June 4, 2014

This guy (Bruce Angeloszek) and his service is worth his weight in gold. For his quoted price, he got all the permits necessary to hook up our new, whole-home emergency generator from our town, added the equipment, wires and initially, battery necessary to make sure it ran, and now maintains it. I’ve always gotten a call back- from him- within a short time that I call the service. He explained everything to me that I needed to know, including how to become better informed about this specific kind of generator online. He even placed stickers for any maintenance/services people so they know that we have one and where it is placed in back of the house. We ‘tested’ it when we lost power early this winter after a tree fell on our electric power line to the house, and it went on like a charm. It’s great to hear it self-test every week- and to know our electrician is as reliable as our Generac generator!